Recipes From BOAK And Beyond

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[DOWNLOAD LINK] The Military Improvised Munitions Handbook is mostly outdated, however it can still be resourceful for timers, delays, and construction.

[DOWNLOAD LINK] “The Anarchist Arsenal” Improvised Incendiary Explosives Techniques is also mostly outdated but can be resourceful for timers, delays, and construction.

[DOWNLOAD LINK] Remotely activated device using cellphone/alarm clock/clock courtesy of BO-AK
(Combat Organization Of Anarcho-Communists) [website onion link // noblogs website NOT ONION ]

This device was successfully used in an attack on a railway bridge by BOAK/ACCO.
It was claimed in the following communique with links to guides on constructing the components of the device used

“BOAK/ACCO takes responsibility for the attack on a railway bridge leading to a military facility.
The attack took place some time ago. Unfortunately it wasn’t 100% effective but this experience will be taken into account in preparation for our next attacks. And to make it not only useful for us but for the whole partizan movement we decided to share it.
About 10 kg of permon (igdanite (ANFO) with aluminium powder) been stuffed in a metal case (paint bucket). We’ve used an interim detonator to ignite permon ~1 kg of ammonal-3 (ammonium nitrate, sugar, aluminum powder) in a plastic case (mayo bucket). To ignite ammonal we’ve used ~10 g triacetone triperoxide (TT) in a paper case (cylinder made of paper wrapped in duct tape).
To place our detonator right in the middle of ammonal charge we’ve put a paper tube (a little wider than TT detonator) through the hole in the lid of a plastic bucket . This way two tasks are being accomplished: we can place ammonal in our container beforehand while isolating it from the external environment (it is hygroscopic). And secondly, we can place detonator with TT at the very last moment, mitigating risk.
For detonation we’ve used the ignition device made of a lamp bulb. There was a backup initiator with an alarm clock on a mobile phone, but the ignition itself was conducted with a phone call.
And also for an additional amplification of the blast we’ve placed 2 open 5-liter jugs full of an incendiary mixture near our igdanite charge – for a thermobaric effect due to the volumetric explosion of petrol fumes.
From the downsides – we knew of a low brisance of igdanite, but hoped that if placed under the bridge pillar it might be enough to collapse it. As it turned out – it wasn’t. It should have been placed in a more closed volume.
We think it’s important to note that this action was purposely carried out at night to mitigate risk for casual passersby – the bridge runs over the road, and far fewer vehicles are on the road at night, we’ve waited for such a moment when no one was there.
We won’t publish the bridge’s location in hopes that it might eventually collapse during further use.
However we call on all railway workers, who are against war, so sabotage military contracts and to refuse going to military facilities – stop being a cog in the war machine, ensuring its smooth uninterrupted work of killing people.

Also, we want to remind, that the best help in struggle — to take part in it. But if you can do it personally, you always can support Revolutionary Anarcho-Fond, which works to support partizans-begginers with money for petroleum, ammonium nitrate and so on 🙂 “

“Sometimes there are situations where it is necessary to remotely set fire to something in a safe area, such as during an experiment. For such cases, you can make a device – electric ignition – with your own hands. To make an electric ignition, you will need two cores made of a USB cable. They need to be exposed on both sides. One wire must be separated from the bundle of wires and attached to the other side, after which an ordinary match is placed between the wires. Such an electric match can be lit from two 9-volt batteries. A current of more than 5 A flows through the small wire, which heats it up and lights a match.”
The video uses tape.
Tape has been advised against (yet is used in many designs) due to it’s potential to collect DNA. (However, you should be wearing gloves, mask, hair covering, and wearing new clothing that covers you head to toe when handling items, so there presumably should be as little as possible DNA that could be collected by the tape.)
alternatively you can superglue or wrap the wire securely around the head of the match or attach with alligator clips.

Don’t get too carried away, often it’s best to keep your methods of destruction simple:
pour gasoline on something, light it on fire, run away.

When constructing devices, place a light-bulb in the circuit as shown in the remotely actived(or timer equipped) device, it is to ensure that the device does not detonate prematurely.
when testing:
test that the igniter works using only the battery and pos/neg wires
test that the circuit works when finished without the igniter using the light-bulb in the circuit, or replace the igniter temporarily with an ordinary light-bulb
when using:
do not store with the battery or the igniter connected to the circuit
when ready plug the battery into the igniter, the ordinary bulb should not light up.
If it does, something is wrong do not proceed, your device will activate in your hands
After plugging in battery and setting delay/timer the lightbulb should not be on and finally
plug the ignitor in as last step

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