From Jane’s Revenge to Tehran to Moscow: Global Anarchist Struggles of 2022 in Review

With 2022 firmly behind us, we can confidently say that it was an eventful year. The continuous uprising in Iran against the theocratic regime shows no signs of slowing down. In Italy and Greece the the escalation of repression against anarchist prisoners, several of whom have gone on hunger strikes. In response solidarity attacks have occurred around the world against the repression. The birth of Jane’s Revenge in the United States and the nationwide campaign of firebombings and vandalism against forced birth extremists. In Russia we have seen the the Combat Organization of Anarchist Communists grow to over 30 cells with attack after attack against recruitment centers and railways. In Myanmar rebels against the military regime have utilized 3d printed firearms in their struggle against the state. In Chile anarchists continued resistance to the mediocrity of supposed “autonomist” president Gabriel Boric. In Mexico city the Ricardo Flores Magon Police Station was bombed   by the Insurrectional Anarcha-Feminist Group of Antiauthoritarian Action.  With the arrests of Atlanta Forest defenders (The Atlanta Six) in the United States there has been a wave of solidarity actions against the repression, culminating in the arson of a Bank of America in Portland, Oregon right after new years in 2023 bringing a continuity into this year. May the spirit of anarchy live eternally in all places. May 2023 be a year to remember.

Topics mentioned:

Italy: Update about the health condition of Alfredo Cospito on the 71st day of hunger strike

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for an incendiary attack on a MAT riot police truck in Kaisariani by ‘Incendiary Committee’

Chile: Arrests and raids in the framework of the explosive attack against the National Directorate of the Gendarmerie

Explosive Attack against “Ricardo Flores Magón” Police Station in Mexico

Atlanta 6 Solidarity Actions:

Bank of America Set on Fire in Portland

Banner Drop in Asheville

MANHATTAN: Atlas VP’s Apartment Building attacked in solidarity with the ATL 6