Recipes From BOAK And Beyond

Reposted from: [DOWNLOAD LINK] The Military Improvised Munitions Handbook is mostly outdated, however it can still be resourceful for timers, delays, and construction. [ARCHIVE.ORG LINK] [DOWNLOAD LINK] “The Anarchist Arsenal” Improvised Incendiary Explosives Techniques is also mostly outdated but can be resourceful for timers, delays, and construction. [ARCHIVE.ORG LINK] [DOWNLOAD LINK] Remotely activated device […]

Switch off!  – the system of destruction

Switch off!  – the system of destruction About 20 people storm a construction site of the Coastal Gas Link pipeline in western Canada. They are armed with axes and flares, threaten employees, hijack heavy construction vehicles, destroy the site’s building and ultimately the vehicles themselves. The damage amounted to millions. That was almost a year […]

Frequently Asked Questions About The Earth Liberation Front

The North American Earth Liberation Front Press Office was a legal, above ground news service dedicated to exposing the political and social motives behind the covert direct actions of the ELF. The NAELFPO received anonymous communiques from the ELF and distributed the message to the media and the public throughout North America. The NAELFPO is […]

A Follow up to How to Blow Up a Movie Review

The editorial collective has had further internal discussion on this film and have noticed some important clarifications must be made. The entire plot aspect with the informant is entirely unnecessary and would be horrible if copied. In addition it has come to our attention that a US military security professional was contracted on the scenes […]

How to Blow Up a Movie Review: An insurrectionary anarchist perspective on How to Blow up a Pipeline (2023)

How to Blow Up a Movie Review: An insurrectionary anarchist perspective on How to Blow up a Pipeline (2023) How to Blow Up a Pipeline is a 2021 book by Swedish Marxist academic Andreas Malm that certainly has an explosive title, but definitely has seen its share of criticism from anarchists with two essays of […]

From Jane’s Revenge to Tehran to Moscow: Global Anarchist Struggles of 2022 in Review

With 2022 firmly behind us, we can confidently say that it was an eventful year. The continuous uprising in Iran against the theocratic regime shows no signs of slowing down. In Italy and Greece the the escalation of repression against anarchist prisoners, several of whom have gone on hunger strikes. In response solidarity attacks have […]

Incendiary Desires — a new periodical and counterinfo for insurrectionary anarchist ideas and action

Incendiary Desires is a new anarchist media project that will be publishing essays, news article, and anonymous communiques sent to us. We seek to offer an insurrectionary anarchist perspective that centers trans, queer, feminist, black,  indigenous, and anti-colonial struggles around the world. We are unapologetic in our cry for a genuine movement of anarchist who […]